Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Frank Amedia Prophesies: We Must Put Up a Line of Defense Against the Darkness

It was four years ago that I prophesied the way Trump would win, and the emphasis on the Supreme Court. I declared then that the Lord said President Trump would appoint three justices, and that it would be within his first term (in this “season”).

I released earlier this year that there would be three major shifts: The first was COVID, and the second was the sudden manifestation of lawlessness, which is operating in tandem with the spirit of delusion. Recall that I preached on Sunday, May 24, that this chaos was about to come suddenly. The very next day, George Floyd died, and the ensuing disorder has been prevalent since.

From February on, I shared that the third shift would begin in September, that it would be so divinely aligned that it would be indisputably God and that it would be a type of first fruits to the nation and the church as we approach Sukkot. I saw the vision that I shared of Trump sinking up to his chin in quicksand, and attached to him were the assignments of God.

But then, the thumb and finger of God reached down and plucked him from the mire him by his head, throwing him to soar in the clouds. Then, after Joe Biden mocked God on Aug. 20 at the Democratic Convention, saying there would be no miracle, I shared the word of the Lord that a Hezekiah miracle moment was going to be released in September with a blast!

That word was based upon 2 Kings 18 and 19, and Hezekiah’s desperate intercession to the Lord: “And they said to him, “Thus says Hezekiah: ‘This day is a day of trouble, and rebuke, and blasphemy; for the children have come to birth, but there is no strength to bring them forth” (2 Kings 19:3, NKJV).

The Lord’s Word: “Be not afraid of the words which you have heard … from [those who blasphemed me]. Behold, I will send a blast upon him!” (Isa. 37:6-7a, KJV).

Friday night during the POTUS Shield Network prayer intercession, I made a desperate appeal to the Lord to rescue us, our nation, the church, and to hear the cry of the blood of the 60 million murdered children—and to answer quickly now for His own name’s sake. Shortly thereafter, the announcement of Ginsberg’s passing came out.

Do not lose the significance that God started this Hezekiah miracle blast with the opening up of the third Supreme Court justice seat on Rosh Hashanah, the Hebrew New Year, the day that the Torah is refreshed and reset back to the time of beginnings!

Now, the Spirit of the Lord is nudging us to other levels of intercession. We are to usher in—in faith and declaration and repentance—a move of God that shall shake this nation and the body of Christ. The forces of opposition are assembling, consulting, plotting, planning, conspiring to thwart what God is doing and shall do. They shall fail even as we prevail in prayer, fasting, faith and power. We must put up a line of defense and a plan of offenses to make the surge into darkness that has been breached by the spear of the Lord’s providence.

I will be releasing more specifics over the next few days and this week into the moment of my prophetic word at the close of “The Return” in Washington, D.C., one week from today on Saturday evening.

The zeal of the Lord of Hosts shall do this. Amen. {eoa}

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