Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Faith-Filled Decrees to See the Impossible

“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give” (Matt. 10:8).

In our own power, we could never achieve what Jesus calls us to as His followers, which includes seeing physical miracles, delivering people of demonic oppression, shifting spiritual atmospheres and bringing souls into the kingdom of God. This all may sound difficult, but that is until we know that the Holy Spirit lives in us and He does the work, and we are given tremendous authority in Jesus Christ.

I want to encourage you today that regardless of who you are and where you are, you are called to a life of supernatural power—to see the impossible made possible. Here are practical ways to begin to see heaven come to earth through the power of decrees and declarations.

Declare His Will Be Done

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Prov. 18:21).

We can bring blessing or destruction with the words that we choose. In Genesis 1, we see that God speaks the world into existence. That should give you an idea of just how powerful words are.

What are you believing for in your own life that seems impossible? Miraculous healing? The salvation of your family? Financial breakthrough? Regardless of how you’re feeling today, I encourage you to declare God’s goodness over the specific circumstances that seem impossible in your life. Here are three biblical truths you can declare over yourself and your circumstances to help you see breakthrough:

  1. I declare that I am healed by the blood of Jesus. God heals all of my diseases (Is. 53:5, Ps. 103:3).
  2. I declare salvation over my entire family, that God has paid the price for their freedom, deliverance and eternal life (Acts 16:31, John 12:32).
  3. I declare that I am abundantly blessed with financial resources and provision (Ps. 25:13).

Decree Heaven Onto Earth

In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus tells His disciples to pray: “Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:9-10). We are called to pray His Kingdom come for the transformation and reformation of society.

I believe many of you are called to one or more of the seven mountains of culture, which include: business, government, arts and entertainment, family, religion, media and education. For example, if you are a teacher, you can decree that God would be glorified and that morality and righteousness would be lifted up in your school. If you work for the government, you can decree an increase of godly leaders to carry out legislation that would bring truth and justice to society.

God has called us to be the head and not the tail (Deut. 28:13) As we experience greater levels of spiritual authority, we will see our natural authority increase in our spheres of influence. {eoa}

Ché Ahn and his wife, Sue, are the founding pastors of HRock Church in Pasadena, California. Ché serves as the founder and president of Harvest International Ministry (HIM) and the International Chancellor of Wagner Leadership Institute (WLI). With a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, he has played a key role in many strategic outreaches on local, national and international levels. He has written more than a dozen books and travels extensively throughout the world, bringing apostolic insight with an impartation of renewal, healing and evangelism.

This article originally appeared at hrockchurch.com.

By Che Ahn

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