Expect the Harvest of God’s Promise

I heard the Lord say, “Look with eyes of faith and allow your hope to arise for all I have spoken. This is truly the season for great expectation. Those who have great expectation are those who have great faith. They stand on My Word and My report, and not the report of the world or their surroundings.”

The Battle Over Your Sight and Voice

“There is power in uniting your voice with Mine. There is power in decreeing all I have spoken. There is power in guarding your words and speaking only My narrative over your situation. There is a battle over your words and a battle over your perspective. The enemy is trying to draw My people into a place of doubt and unbelief in all I have spoken. The enemy is trying to distract My people from looking with heavenly perspective and standing in faith for the promise. The battle is over your sight and your voice.

“Now is the time to take every thought captive that rises to bring doubt and confusion. This is the hour to boldly speak forth heaven’s narrative, for this is the hour for great expectation. Those who see with heavenly perspective, and those who stand on who I am, have excited expectation for all that will unfold. Those who count Me as faithful can confidently stand on what I have spoken, for My word accomplishes all it is sent forth to fulfill.”

“So now wrap your heart tightly around the hope that lives within us, knowing God always keeps His promises” (Heb. 10:23, TPT).

“[S]o shall My word be that goes out from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” (Isa. 55:11, ESV).

Expect the Harvest of the Promise

“The stand of the last season has left many battered and weary. The time of waiting for the manifestation of the promise, and the battle endured in the stand, has left many feeling confused and in doubt of the promise. My people can be confident in the promises I have given, for I am the Promise Keeper. The promise may not unfold in the timing or way expected, but all I have spoken will come to pass and will be more than you could ask, think or imagine; for the promise will be stamped with the seal of heaven and will come to pass by My hand. Surely this is the hour where I will receive all the glory, for what unfolds can only be accomplished by My hand. I am watching over My word to perform it.”

“…You are faithful to fulfill every promise You’ve made. You manifest Yourself as kindness in all You do” (Ps.145:13, TPT).

“Then the LORD said to me, ‘You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it’“ (Jer. 1:12, ESV).

“My people need to be intentional about surrendering unbelief, doubt, confusion and discouragement, for these are blockages and hindrances sent from the enemy. Now is the time to arise in faith. Meditate on My Word so it becomes alive in you. Speak out My Word in boldness. Raise your shield of faith and take up your sword of the Spirit. I am always on time—never early or late. I am calling My people to trust in My process and timing of the promise.

“My directive for this hour is to be expectant. Be in a posture of expectancy. Look with faith-filled eyes to the harvest of your promise that is coming. Many will be amazed by the way I bring their promise to pass. Let your heart be in a place of rest, a place of confidence in My sovereignty, faithfulness and goodness.

Expect the Lord’s Intervention

“I am rewarding those who have faithfully stewarded what I have entrusted to them. I am rewarding those who have continued to stand in faith for the promise and have waged war for it. They endured much in the stand, and now they will see Me come as the King of glory, the Lord mighty in battle, for their day of deliverance is at hand. They have lived according to Ephesians 6:13. Having done all, they continued to stand. Now they will see it is the hour of Exodus 14:13—a time to stand firm in faith, for the salvation of the Lord is at hand.”

“Who is the King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle” (Ps. 24:8, ESV)

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm” (Eph. 6:13, ESV).

“And Moses said to the people, ‘Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again’“ (Ex 14:13, ESV).

“My people will see My divine intervention and interruption.

. I don’t do things in part but in full, and My people will see that which hindered and plagued them removed by My hand. In this season, the song that will arise from My people is ‘Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised’; for they will testify of My faithfulness and goodness.”

“Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable” (Ps. 145:3, ESV).

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Katie Barker is the co-founder of Bring the Fire Ministries along with her husband Aaron. They live on the Tweed Coast of Australia with their four children. Bring the Fire Ministries is about bringing revival fire to the nations, and ministering to others through the power of the Word of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Katie has a desire to see the people of God awakened to the hour and partner with the Lord by walking in their unique destinies, using their Kingdom authority and rising up to be agents of transformation in their spheres of influence. She carries the message of transformation and has a mandate to equip and mobilize God’s people as the Lord prepares His Bride for His return.

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