Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Despite the Emergence of the Fourth Beast, It’s Our Time to Shine

On my last show, I spoke about the fourth beast that is attempting to emerge out of hiddenness and darkness, to arise as a new world order. This will be administered by a one-world government that is a conglomerate of world leaders and elites of the world.

As I have said before, I believe this is a demonic overreach that is premature. However, we are in the time of Isaiah 60, when gross darkness is creeping on the earth—the time when the saints of God arise with His glory upon them, doing exploits in His name. This is our time to shine, not a time to fear, to run or to hide. It is also not a time for complacency or passivity. We will not be going back to the past and must adjust according to the times and to the timings of God.

Many are trying to hold on to the way things were and are fervently trying to make the old ways work again and will keep coming up short. It is crucial for the saints and those with ministries to now understand, discern the times and know what they ought to do, as the tribe of Issachar did. The Bible teaches that God has specific timings in the way He moves, how important then to be found in sync with Him. He says in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” and, more specifically states in verse 8b, “a time of war, and a time of peace.” The way we function in peacetime as opposed to wartime will be vastly different. Our modes of operation and focus will vary widely; we will have to adapt to the challenges of the times we are in.

As we know prophetically, we have entered the decade of pey on the Jewish calendar, representing the mouth—the decade where we make our voices heard and release our roar. We have also entered the decade of the harvest. The chief focus of God’s heart right now is the harvest. I have been saying for a few years that the enemy will not let go of the harvest without a ferocious fight. And we have seen in 2020 that the fight has begun. It may appear that the odds are against us, but God likes it when the odds are against Him—He laughs. He likes to choose weak people, sometimes few in number, to show forth His might and His wisdom. He has creative and unique ways and means to get to His harvest. Just be attuned and attentive; He will reveal hidden things we know not.

“His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Eph. 3:10-11, NIV).

The ekklesia is here on Earth to show forth the power of God in weakness, in sacrifice, and through the cross—Christ crucified is the power of God, foolishness to man but wisdom to God. Get ready to fight but not necessarily in the way you envision a battle in the natural. We follow the King; He empowers us, our words and our intercession. He leads the way and gives the strategy and direction. We do not fight in anger or in physical strength; we fight in a life laid down before God and resurrected in power. When we are weak, He is strong and mighty and gets all the glory.

So how do we position ourselves for these times and for glory. May I suggest my course, The Arising Army of God, and all our courses, as they have been prepared specifically for these times. You can find them at I am not saying this to sell resources but rather to prepare people, to prepare women and intercessors for the high call on their lives. 2021 will be a breakout year into the high call of God. I want to share parts of a word I shared early last year, based on one of the sessions of this course, a session on the high call of God.

As I said we have entered a new decade characterized by boldness, courage, and war. The suicide rate has spiked worldwide in 2020. We have been called to push back the encroaching darkness, let our roar be heard, hold and occupy territory as we fight to rescue the harvest from the clutches of evil. For every dispensation of time, the saints are called forth to the stewardship of that particular time, ensuring that God’s will is accomplished and His intentions fulfilled for that time. Paul declared in Colossians 1:25 (NKJV) that he “became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me, to fulfill the word of God.”

The word “stewardship” in Greek is oikonomia; it is a word related to the stewardship and management of God’s economy. For those chosen to be born and live in these fullness of times—in the day of His power, your call to ministry is to the high call of stewarding and administering the life of Christ in the fullness of His power and authority to the harvest. The Bible highlights the many great leaders and saints who lived out the principle that God raises up certain people for certain times and prepares and equips them to administer His blueprint for that period.

Continue reading or listen to our podcast episode called Breaking Out Into the High Call on Charisma Podcast Network for more. {eoa}

Faith Marie Baczko is the founder and president of Headstone International Ministries and Headstone Academy Online Schools. Faith is a prophetic teacher, bringing significant revelation and fresh prophetic insight to mobilize, equip and strengthen the body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. Support her work and help this ministry to keep bringing you timely messages by visiting

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