Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: ‘Between Now and the End of July, DC Is the Key’

Prophet Chuck Pierce says that between now and the end of July, believers need to watch very closely what is happening in our capital of Washington, D.C.

Ever-accelerating inflation, the crucial abortion issue and debilitating division between the two political parties have put a vise grip on our nation in recent months. Many crucial decisions are expected to come down from Washington in the next two months, including the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade.

Pierce says believers should heed the decree of Daniel 7:9, which reads, “I watched until the thrones were cast down and the Ancient of Days was seated, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head like the pure wool. His throne was like the fiery flame, and its wheels as burning fire” (MEV).

“What happens in this scripture is that the Ancient of Days shows up in the midst of the turmoil of Daniel’s vision,” Pierce says. “And your visions can create turmoil within you. Then, the Ancient of Days shows up. I want you to grab hold of that. We are in a very strategic time where God is giving us revelation. We are all making our journey through, and it becomes critical for us to understand that God sent us in time for today. … We have to know that some visions carry great weight for intercession.

“In Daniel chapter 7, the Ancient of Days comes down to really encourage the saints. The enemy is warring with you. The enemy wants to wear down the saints of the Most High God. He will intend to change the times and the laws. That’s the only thing he has. … The enemy is trying to wear down our minds, our thinking process. He will speak to you so much that he wears your brain down. He will wear you down and even cause you to fail. But in that, we are in an era that God is strengthening us. … But we want to stay in timing with the Lord. And from that, you are going to be seated in a new way.

“I want you to know that right now, the timing of D.C. is very key and that everything that goes on between now and the end of July is very key. It can be turned the way the Lord wants it to.”

For the rest of Chuck Pierce’s prophecy, click here. {eoa}

Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.

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