Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

Charisma Highlights: Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘I Will Not Be Mocked!’

Following are snippets of the top stories featured this week on We invite you to visit the links to read the stories in full.
I heard the Lord say several times, with much intensity—”I will not be mocked!”

One year ago today, the Lord began to speak a word to me while in prayer that shook me to my core. I have rarely if ever heard the Lord speak in a way that caused me to stand in awe and the fear of the Lord as much as this word did.

Please remember, God’s timeline is not ours. He is a master planner and does not get in a rush. What is “swift” to us is not necessarily what He means by swift. Make no mistake … this has begun and is happening; it will continue, but much more is coming.

Prophetic Word: Power and Glory Will Return to the Church Like Never Before

Leading up to 2022, and even now, I have felt such anticipation about this year. People have asked me one question in a myriad of different ways, but the question is essentially: “Is this year going to go well or will it be like the last two years?”

After sitting with the Lord and letting the dreams, visions and conversations marinate, let me answer this question by simply saying: This year, God’s heart is to see the church rise as the mighty bride she is called to be. We have the authority and we are the rudder of the ship.

Distraction, divisions and sneaky games have cost us our power and effectiveness, and bowing to culture and the media’s lies has silenced our voices … but no more. I pray this doesn’t just give you information for you to add to your “2022 word repertoire,” but that it’s a word which encourages you, shakes you to your bones, ignites your spirit and sends you running into the year with a courageous and undignified roar of righteous vengeance.

Dr. Stella Immanuel: Why This Is a Moment of Destiny for America

I stood there in the bright sunshine on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, head held high and hands clasped confidently in front of me. On either side of me stood other doctors, each of us wearing our white lab coats, each from a different state, trained in a different specialty and with different ethnic and religious backgrounds. A few cottony clouds graced the blue, majestic sky, and behind us a fountain bubbled, symbolizing life and joy—much of which had been drained from our country in the crazy months following the appearance on the world scene of a treatable virus called COVID-19.

Like the other professionals with me, I was proud to be in the capital that July day in 2020 preparing to address the nation because in the midst of a flurry of health-related lies being disseminated in our country regarding the virus, its prevention, and its cure, we—a credible group of board-certified, practicing physicians—were finally going to present the truth. But even we didn’t know how far-reaching our press conference would be.

The Professionals Speak Out

Congressman Ralph Norman of South Carolina bravely introduced our group, which had just held a conference dealing with the reality behind COVID-19 and what those of us on the front lines recommended doing about it. Now, as both physicians and private individuals, we were going public with our professional opinions—opinions that were backed by verifiable results.

My mother died last week at age 93 after almost three years of dementia. My father died four years ago this week. And last year I lost three close friends. You’d think by now I’d be an expert in how to grieve a loss, but I’ve felt quite helpless when it comes to how to process my emotions.

I’ve read many books and articles about grief and talked to pastors and counselors. But everyone’s journey with grief is different, depending on the circumstances of death and our own unique personalities. But one thing that has helped me is knowing I’m not alone. Plenty of people have walked this road before me.

Because I have a habit of making checklists, I created these guidelines to help me grieve. I hope it will help you or someone you know who is going through a painful loss.

The Lord says, “Because there has been no moral outcry on the earth, I have released a cry from the heavens. Who will respond to the cry of their unborn children? How long will the fathers and mothers turn their head[s] in shame and plug their ears while the innocent are still weeping? [Are] there any among you who [have] ears to hear the souls crying out for justice from the cloud, and their blood crying out from the rocks of your nation?

You Are My Supreme Court

“Today I am removing the veil and judging the deaf and dumb spirit that has kept My church, and governing body in the earth, silent and ineffective. I say, ‘You are My Supreme Court’ on the earth in this hour. The era of inaction is over. Does not the watchman move to blow the horn and alarm the city of its coming destruction? Does not the watchman also move into battle to defend the walls when they are breached by the enemy?

“Are My people not the city that I call ‘Zion’? Have I not appointed them as watchmen on the walls of righteousness? From this day forward, if My watchmen do not join in the moral outcry, echoing from the clouds above and the rocks below, truly they will be held to account. {eoa}

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