Beware the Sign: September’s Prophetic Warning

In a recent series of visions and prophetic messages, revelations about the upcoming months of September and October have been shared by Troy Black, a Christian YouTuber, author and prophetic voice.

These visions carry both warnings and blessings, urging believers to seek a deeper connection with the Holy Spirit and stand firm in their faith.

To view Troy Black’s full prophetic message, click here!

In his testimonial, Black describes a period of darkness and sin over a decade ago when he felt distant from God. However, through repentance and seeking solace in the Scriptures, he experienced a life-altering encounter with the Holy Spirit. Since then, his mission has been to obey the Holy Spirit and share divine revelations with others.

On March 3, 2023, Black received a prophetic vision indicating significant events slated for September and October. He saw a museum with walls arranged like dominoes, showcasing precious artifacts like vases and clay pictures. In this vision, the Lord conveyed a message of “Temple robbery, destroying something of great beauty.” The vision was associated with the October timeframe, with an anticipated sign to occur around September, the full implications of which might only become apparent afterward.

Continuing on, Black had another vision portraying a display case featuring a warrior holding a spear and surrounded by artifacts. The Lord’s voice proclaimed that this warrior represented those willing to defend the right path within His house. It was an urging call for the warriors to rise and tear down the Ashtoreth poles and misplaced artifacts, drawing inspiration from the story of Gideon in Judges 6:25-26.

In light of these visions, Black emphasized the need for introspection and devotion to the Holy Spirit. Believers were implored to remove any form of idolatry from their lives and allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate the path ahead in obedience to Galatians 5:16. He highlighted that the Holy Spirit desires an undivided heart and lamented that idolatry might hinder individuals from hearing and understanding God’s voice.

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The significance of the upcoming events in September and October was underscored, with a warning that certain occurrences might not be immediately evident, but their impact would become apparent afterward. Troy Black urged believers to remain vigilant, discerning the signs and being open to God’s guidance in accordance to 1 John 4:1.

As Black shared these prophetic messages, he emphasized the centrality of Jesus Christ in the believers’ lives. He encouraged readers to trust in Jesus, the ultimate key that unlocks every door and the solid rock upon which everything is built. By putting their faith in Christ, believers could find unwavering stability and the assurance of eternal rewards.

Black ended with an exhortation for believers to examine their hearts, forsake idolatry (Col. 3:5; 1 John 5:21) and fully embrace the grace of God. He urged the faithful to place their hope in eternity, valuing a deeper connection with Christ above fleeting worldly desires.

The prophetic messages revealed through Black serve as a stirring call to stand firm in faith, tearing down idols and seeking a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit.

With September and October on the horizon, believers are encouraged to be vigilant, discerning and unwavering in their devotion to Jesus Christ, the ultimate source of hope and authority in their lives.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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