Are You Like the Church Standing Amid the Maui Rubble?

I feel like this picture of the Maui church that stands in the midst of all the rubble is such a prophetic picture for the times ahead. While many people are evaluating who started the fire, the conspiracies are running wild, but the church is called to be the untainted, unburdened-by-the-world church and is called to rise up and bring the relief of God’s love and power.

You are like the church in Maui. 

We are in a season of tribulations and troubles on the earth, and it’s going to increase. But for those who are really walking with connection to Christ, you will be able to have His enlightened perspective or live above the troubles completely. 

Do you ever have this statement come across your thoughts: “I’m in trouble …” whether it’s a doctor’s report, a financial check-in, family drama, work issues or even, externally, the politics or natural events that are happening around you? 

God wants to shape your expectation and use you as a key to help the world navigate through the times we are in!

God is raising up people who have His perspective and divine intelligence or spiritual wisdom over world affairs, over the seasons and times we are in and over how to thrive in a time when everything could seem very negative. 

God’s Perspective Transforms Your Worldly Troubles

The promise of Jesus offers us not just a glimmer of hope but a guiding light. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV). 

For those who are deeply connected with Christ, you’re not merely going to weather the storm, but you’re going to be enlightened and raised above it.

A Divine Shift in Expectation

Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10, KJV).

God wants to shift your perspective from despair to expectation, from fear to faith. He wants to use you as a pivotal force to help the world navigate through the challenging times we’re in.

Divine Intelligence for Worldly Affairs

God is raising up individuals filled with His perspective and divine intelligence. These are going to be the people who gain favor and influence in the world of troubles right now, and some of you are paying the price to gain influence and favor with God and man to help bring big solutions and wisdom to the world. It’s like the time of Jesus’ life before He was released into his ministry. There was a season of getting connected internally and externally. Luke even says He grew in favor with God and man (see Luke 2:52).

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Those who have been growing in this very real place of connection to God are going to get their deployment soon. 

We all can have wisdom through the hardest times though, and that is one of the greatest benefits of being a Christian. In the book of James, it is written: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5, NIV). This wisdom isn’t just about personal matters; it’s spiritual insight over global events, the changing seasons and the times in which we find ourselves. God’s wisdom allows you to not just survive, but thrive, even when circumstances seem overwhelmingly negative.

Today’s prophetic word is a call to anchor ourselves in God’s eternal perspective. Let’s be the people who, fueled by divine wisdom and led by the Holy Spirit, rise above the troubles of this world. 

Let us be the Maui church that stands unshaken amid the rubble, a beacon of God’s overcoming power and hope to all who see it. Amen.

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Shawn Bolz is a TV and podcast host, an author, producer and a Christian minister. He has been leading conversations in the church, entertainment industry and in social justice that have helped believers connect their faith to culture in a transformative way. Shawn’s deeply connected yet humorous style of speaking, media hosting and coaching through his unique expert perspective has brought him around the world to meet with churches, CEOs, entertainers and world leaders. To find out more, listen to my full podcast on “The Shawn Bolz Show with Shawn Bolz”:

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