Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Are We on the Verge of Prophetic Ministry 2.0?

Bishop Bill Hamon

Fifty-eight prophets from the nations of the earth gathered with dozens of prophets from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders in Dallas this week. Some are calling it prophetic history in the making.

How significant is this, really? Bishop Bill Hamon is confident The Global Prophetic Consultation and The Global Prophetic Summit reveal the times we are in.

“My revelation in 1983 was that God was going to raise up a company of prophets to ‘prepare the way’ and ‘make ready a people’ for the coming of the Lord Jesus as John the Baptist did for Christ’s first coming,” Hamon told me, calling it a fulfillment of Malachi 4:5-6:

“See, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreaded day of the Lord. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

What could the lasting impact of this meeting could be? What could this lead to? How could it impact the global prophetic movement? Hamon says, “The lasting impact will be the fulfillment of God raising up and launching a company of prophets to fulfill His end time purposes. I originally declared there would be hundreds of prophets in the USA and thousands throughout the world, not just a few here and there, but a company of prophets. It will be a sign and demonstration that we are in the second phase of the prophetic movement that was birthed in 1988.”

Hamon says this is illustrated in Ezekiel 37—and 1988 till now has been the noising abroad of the message of the prophetic movement. As he sees it, it caused a shaking in the church. The bones came together as different prophetic networks were formed then books and teaching put muscle and sinew together and formed a body or company of prophets.

“God then told Ezekiel to prophecy again and resurrection life was released and they stood up an exceeding great army. This is the second phase of the prophetic movement. God’s exceeding great army is described in my new book God’s World War III,” Hamon says.

“This meeting in Dallas could launch the second phase of the prophetic globally. More prophetic ministers will be envisioned for God’s greater purpose for the church worldwide, plant earth and the nations. It should bring more global recognition to God’s prophets and their contribution to the fulfillment of God’s end-time purpose in Amos 3:7.”

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