Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Ancient Prophecy: This Blood Moon Convergence Signals End of Ishmael’s Reign

A unique and rare convergence of a blue blood supermoon eclipse with the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shvat this Wednesday evening is described in several prophecies from Jewish sources as heralding the end of the era of Ishmael’s dominance over the Temple Mount.

This upcoming super blue blood moon will be the third and final one in a series that began on Dec. 2. Rabbi Berger, the rabbi of King David’s tomb on Mount Zion, noted that the confluence of Tu B’Shvat and a lunar eclipse was explicitly described in the Yalkut Moshe, a book of kabbalistic insights written in 1894 by Rabbi Moshe ben Yisrael Benyamin in Munkacs, Poland.

“A lunar eclipse in the Hebrew month of Shvat is an especially bad omen that will bring harsh natural phenomena,” Rabbi Berger said to Breaking Israel News, quoting the 124-year-old source. “The eclipse will usher in a period of intensified earthquakes around the world.”

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