Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

A Clarion Call and Prophetic Decree: Come Back to God

I sense as all of heaven observes the affairs on earth, the angels and saints are adamantly calling everyone to “Come back to God!” They know we humans are created by God, designed in His image to have personal relationship with Him—to be part of His family, embraced by His unconditional love. They know the extent and depths of evil that are operating on earth and how our only hope is God. They know the true inner longings of the human heart are to to know our Creator and to be loved—these are innate longings implanted by God to prompt us to seek to discover and live in life-giving truth—to find Jesus who is the way, the truth and life (John 14:16).

But the author of evil and enemy of God, Satan, and his followers have managed to deceive vast numbers of people today. Many think they know the truth, when in reality they are deceived. What a colossal win for Satan. The nature of deception means the victim is unaware. The only way for deception to be exposed is for an outside force to cause the victims to reconsider what they understand to be truth.

I believe this is exactly what God is doing in our present time. He is forcing all humanity to see the ravages of evil and wickedness in every aspect of our respective cultures. God has been exposing evil to cause people to recognize it for what it is and to make a choice to be aligned with God and all that is good, or to choose evil and all evil represents. Will people knowingly choose evil?

Read the rest of this article here.

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Pamela Christian is an award-winning author, speaker and media host. The ordained international minister holds an honorary doctorate of divinity from HSBN International School of Ministry and is certified in apologetics from Biola University. She is a member of the Bethel Leaders Network and hosts the podcast, Faith to Live By, on the Charisma Podcast Network. To learn more, visit

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