Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

5 Challenging Questions You’ve Always Wanted to Ask About the Prophetic

For the past 16 years, I have spent one week of the year gathered together with other prophets and highly prophetic people at the School of the Prophets. When my friend, Dano McCollam, and I envisioned what we desired this school to look like, we saw prophets from all around the world coming together to pursue the kingdom of God, creating a healthy prophetic community and running after the prophetic together as a global family of prophets and prophetesses.

It is remarkable how the Lord moves every year with unprecedented revelation and with unparalleled outpouring. Every year, School of the Prophets feels like a prophetic family gathering where we laugh with joy, discuss the hard things, and grow in our divine gifting and calling. This past week, we did not shy away from much-needed conversations as a prophetic family.

Instead, we felt the need to open up time for students to ask the hard questions and discuss the challenging aspects of the call of a prophet. I wanted to share with you some of the questions we discussed this week and how our speaker team answered those tough questions.

Q. How do you not have resentment toward leaders that don’t see you from a heavenly perspective?

A. It is important to acknowledge that your offense toward others will keep you from your purpose and destiny. Just think about how the enemy accuses you day and night; he also accuses your friends and family too. The enemy’s goal is to keep you from your destiny and he will use offense to do this. However, the truth is we were forgiven and are required to forgive. In Matthew 5:23-24 (DLNT), Jesus says: “Therefore if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” The point here is that reconciliation is more important than worshiping God; God seems to care a lot about people being reconciled. — Kris Vallotton

Q. What are some distinctions you see in this next generation of emerging prophets?

A. I believe that we are moving from those that are identifying the problems to those that are identifying the solutions. I do believe that we are fully exploring what it means to fully be a new covenant prophet. I also believe that we are moving from prophetic celebrities to communities. I believe this is a season of the saints; we are moving from demonstrating the prophetic to training the saints in the prophetic. — Dano McCollam

A. I would propose we are moving from a ministry to the saints to a ministry of the saints. I think sometimes we think that the prophet or prophetess has the more accurate words but I think we are seeing that those with the gift of prophecy but not necessarily the calling have just as accurate prophetic words. — Kris Vallotton

A. I think this generation has become the generation of influence and they are looking for the authentic and very real Jesus. There has been so much diversification in the streams of spirituality that our generation has become quite lost and they are starting to realize they cannot move without the power of Jesus. — Hayley Braun

Q. Does being called to be a prophet mean that one day I will have a big ministry platform?

A. The amount of people who follow you on Twitter does not mean you will have a large influence. Some of the most powerful prophets in the Bible did not even have a public ministry. Think about Nathan and Gad. Their whole call was to direct David—they were specifically assigned to one person. Nathan called David back to righteousness when he had committed adultery. I believe some prophets have been called to one person or one small area. If God gave it to you, that is the most powerful thing you will do. — Kris Vallotton

Q. If I am called as a prophet, how do I find a spiritual or prophetic mentor?

A. I think it’s important to acknowledge the best mentor for you might not be a prophet. Sometimes you are looking for someone like you and oftentimes the mentor you need is someone that can lend to your weakness or where you need strength. The best mentor I ever had in worship could not sing or play an instrument. But he knew how to lead people and he knew how to read the Spirit. — Dano McCollam

A. I think sometimes we miss a whole demographic of mentors. A lot of times, moms and dads are running already and are active. What we miss out on are the grandmothers and grandfathers who have lived a lot more life, have a lot more wisdom and history with God. How many of you know it is easier to receive correction from grandparents but with moms and dads, you feel a need to fight back or prove a point? — Ben Armstrong

Q. How do you differentiate between pleasing men versus growing in favor with man?

A. There is a very real opportunity to pick between pleasing and growing in favor, and I think a lot of it has to do with our hearts and where we put our trust. If our goal is to use our freedom to serve ourselves, we will begin to become manipulative. Any promotion in the body is a promotion into servanthood; Jesus modeled that by washing the disciple’s feet. We must keep our hearts in check before the Lord. — Hayley Braun

A. When I catch myself needing something from prophetic ministry—needing to be right, having a good word or receiving esteem back—I know I am performing. If I begin to feel the pressure to perform, I take a moment to readjust and lean back into His love. Love is the river that spiritual intelligence flows from in the first place. It comes down to the source and the motive. — Dano McCollam {eoa}

For the original article, visit

Kris Vallotton is an author, international speaker, culture leader and, most of all, a spiritual father to this generation. As the senior associate leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California and co-founder of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and Moral Revolution, Kris has helped thousands of believers over the last 20 years realize their identity as sons and daughters of God.

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