Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

1,000 More Ways Ezekiel’s Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled in Israel Today

PM Benjamin Netanyahu convened the Ministerial Committee on the Advancement and Integration of Israeli Citizens of Ethiopian Origin, where he promised to bring another 1,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel.

“This is the 11th meeting of this ministerial committee. At the previous meeting, I promised to submit a recommendation regarding the Falash Mura, and after consulting with MKs Amsalem and Neguise, I am pleased to inform you that I have decided that approximately 1,000 community members—whose children are already here—must be brought to Israel,” Netanyahu said, according to Arutz-7. “I am determined to do this, and I add that this is in wake of 1,300 Falash Mura who have already come to Israel. I have asked Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, to submit a draft government decision. This is in continuation of the importance with which we have been handling this precious community, which is part of our people and part of our state.”

“For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land” (Ezek. 36:24, NKJV).


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