Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Jonathan Cahn: The Curse That Ended the Iranian President

Jonathan Cahn (YouTube)

Is there a curse behind the mysterious death of the Iranian president?

“Was it prophetic? Was it a manifestation of a spiritual event, the unfolding of an ancient mystery that stretches back thousands of years?” Cahn asks.

Cahn says the very name of Ebrahim Raisi has its connection to Judaism.

“Ebrahim, the name comes from Abraham,” Cahn says. “He was named after the father of the Jewish people and yet he was an enemy of the Jewish people.”

This name is powerful because it goes into the Abrahamic blessing and cursing found in Genesis:

“I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you, and in you all families of the earth will be blessed,” (Gen. 12:3).

Ebrahim decided to go against the ultimate blessing of this name, cursing the Jewish people by sending his attack against Israel.

Cahn says this curse that brought down Raisi also has a specific timeline as well.

“He was killed in May. It was just one month before that that he [Raisi] presided over the striking of Israel, the launching of 350 missiles into the land of Israel, the first Iranian leader ever to do so. And one month later, he’s struck down,” Cahn says.

Just as Raisi sent destruction through the skies to Israel with missile strikes, Raisi himself was then brought down while in a helicopter, reaching his ultimate fate.

“He sought death by the crashing of an object. Now death came to him by crashing into the earth,” Cahn says.

When God promised Abraham that He would be with him and make him into a great nation, God did not lie. He has been with Abraham’s descendants through every single one of their battles, and it is evident today in our own world that He is still with them.

Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

Abby Trivett is copywriter for Charisma and an editorial intern.

By Abby Trivett

Abby Trivett is copywriter for Charisma and an editorial intern.

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