Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why Spirit-Filled Christians Need to Rise Up and Cover Their Workplaces in Prayer

As Christ-followers, Jim and Martha Brangenberg share a passion to let you know how important your work is for Jesus. They want you to recognize your workplace as a mission field and to fulfill God’s calling every day you’re there.

The Brangenbergs, whose national radio show “iwork4Him” reaches tens of thousands of people weekly, have begun a new broadcast on the Charisma Podcast Network called the “iWork4Him PowerPod.” On the show, they capture stories of how God is moving in the marketplace and how people are living out their faith from 9 to 5 daily.

“We know that some people think that, to be in the ministry, they have to quit their full-time jobs,” says Jim Brangenberg, who has been podcasting with his wife, Martha, for more than six years. “But you are already in full-time ministry. Just realize it by beginning to cover your workplace with prayer. Start praying with those people that you work alongside each and every day, and you will start to see your heart transformed for them because you are surrounded by hurting people who need Jesus.

“The only way we are ever going to change this country and bring it back to the Christian faith it was founded on is by Christ-followers leading out in prayer in the workplace and being that person whose faith is so compelling and so attractive that people, whether they believe in Jesus or not, will join you. You are a key minister in your workplace, and look for and lead the move of God there every day.”

For more about the “iWork4Him PowerPod,” listen to this podcast.

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