Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Psalm 56:3 says ‘Whenever I am afraid, I will trust You.’ With autism, Asperger’s or obsessive-compulsive disorder, you will often find fear, anxiety and lack of confidence runs in your veins. Verse 3 provides a powerful antidote.

When my parents put their trust in God, He began to do a miraculous work in my personal life. I no longer had nightmares, I no longer screamed in my dreams in the middle the night, and I no longer was full of fear. God started changing me, day in and day out. God would heal me, and I would take three steps backward, then God would heal me again, and I would again take three steps backward. Those days were very difficult, I must admit, as I felt like I was not overcoming, but I didn’t give up. Eventually God started to put the realm of faith in my personal life, and it built me up and changed everything.

God is a God of faith, and we have to be a people of faith. Just because we are a people of faith, that does not mean we should be sitting down and not doing anything. There are some practical things that can be done to change your circumstances and your child’s circumstances. You have the power to speak Scriptures over your child, and you also have the power to read a chapter here and there of the holy Scriptures with your child.

You see, as you confess the Word of God over your child, those Scriptures will play a powerful role in their life. Another thing I have shared with the followers of my private Facebook group, #breakingthespiritofautism, is to get a bottle of water, dip your finger into it and pray. Let it become a symbol of the blood of Jesus Christ. As you apply that water on your child’s forehead, believe that the blood of Jesus always has the power to heal. I am a strong believer as to why Jesus came and shed His blood on the cross of Calvary. His blood became an atonement for you and me, and out of the atonement, there is healing. It was kept for us with the DNA of the blood of Jesus. It is up to you to believe that God can come through for your child on the basis of His finished work. Jesus hung on the cross, and before He gave up His spirit, He said these last words: “It is finished.”

I receive testimonies of healing that is taking place under the presence of the Almighty God, not instantaneously, but day after day, week after week. This is a journey. Sometimes God will do miracles immediately, and other times, He will take His own time doing it. Can I encourage you? This is the day the Lord has made, and this is the day you and I have to believe that through the Son, Jesus Christ, having the faith, the power of the enemy who is trying to undermine you and run your child’s life, I am commanding in Jesus’ name that power will no longer have a hold on your son or daughter. Give God thanks and praise every single day. Decree and declare your child’s healing.

It is a normal emotion for every one of us to have a degree of fear, but try not to let that emotion overwhelm you. The Bible says that when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane, He sensed the burden He was going to feel and endure at the cross. As He prayed, even His sweat became blood. He said, “Father if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” Jesus Himself was afraid. He had left his robes and His crown, and come to this earth, where He walked as a normal human being and carried every feeling that any man or woman carries. And in the end, Jesus laid His trust on His Father, and said “Nevertheless, let your will be done.”

If things are tough right now, this is not the end of the road. This is just the beginning.

You are welcome to join my private Facebook group called “Breaking the Spirit of Autism.” Post a picture, and I will start to pray for your child. When you have joined the group, let me know if you would like a free prayer cloth to place in your child’s pillowcase. In addition, check out my Autism Overturned podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network.

Reg Morais is the senior pastor of Living Faith Community Church, launched from Anoint the World Ministries, which he founded 15 years prior. Each week he runs seven services, reaching a global audience through social media platforms. Learn more about him and his ministry at

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