Revival Stirs in St. Louis During ‘Pray for the Lou’ Missions Event

St. Louis is experiencing unprecedented unity among churches through efforts to “prayer walk” the city streets together. Recently, over 75 churches came together in one weekend to walk through neighborhoods and pray for revival. Along the way, they had opportunities to meet their neighbors and share the gospel.

This unified day of prayer and outreach was part of a citywide prayer initiative called Pray for the Lou (“Lou” is an affectionate nickname for the city of St. Louis), a ministry founded by Kurt Wilson, who was interviewed on Episode 69 of the Presence Pioneers podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. The unified day of prayer-walking was part a larger “Pray for the Lou week” which included multiple prayer rallies throughout the city and a collective effort to study, teach and pray Psalm 24 in dozens of churches.

Kurt describes prayer-walking as praying “on site, with insight.” Hundreds of believers flooded the streets during Pray For the Lou—not to protest or make a scene. They walked peacefully, praying quietly with their eyes open and sharing God’s love with those they encountered.

In this interview, Kurt takes time to explain the journey that led to this profound display of unity, prayer and evangelism. The current fruitfulness of Pray for the Lou was pioneered through years of weak and poorly-attended prayer meetings, along with miles of prayer-walking the city with only a few friends. In fact, his original team of five walked around all 79 major neighborhoods in St. Louis, praying for revival, awakening and a harvest of souls to come to Jesus. This was all before they officially launched Pray for the Lou.

Check out the interview to learn how Kurt’s ministry went from a few friends praying together into a citywide movement that’s touching the neighborhoods of St. Louis. What were his major challenges? And what was the key to get local pastors engaged and unified? Tune in to hear more, and be sure to subscribe to the Presence Pioneers podcast for more inspiring discussions like this. {eoa}

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