Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn: ‘Don’t Tell Me God Doesn’t Answer Prayers’

Charisma Media archives

Read time: 5 minutes, 36 seconds

Note: After watching a screening of The Harbingers of Things to Come, The Return Co-Founders Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Rev. Kevin Jessip began an ongoing conversation, coming to believe that The Return—the largest live broadcast in Christian history—is having a tremendous impact. The overturning of Roe v. Wade, a ruling strengthening school prayer, and an advancement toward a return to righteousness is unfolding in the run-up to The Return Israel in Jerusalem.

Several months before Joe Biden assumed the presidency in January 2021 following a tumultuous and controversial election, President Donald Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Incredibly, this occurred on the day of The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance on September 26, 2020, because liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died on September 18.

Her death fell on the Feast of Trumpets, a time of returning, of coming back, of righting wrongs or what is known as Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year beginning the Ten Days of Awe, or days of repentance in Israel, ending on Yom Kippur.

“Now the last time I spoke to you here I spoke of revival,” “New York Times” bestselling author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn told the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America “Messiah 2022” conference July 3-9 at Messiah University in Grantham, Pennsylvania. “I told you how God turned the history of America around in 1980 because of an event on the National Mall based on 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land”.

“Well, since we were last together, I was led by a man of God, a friend named Kevin Jessip, to actually (join him in a) call for a National Day of Prayer and Repentance on the National Mall. It was planned (through prayer for five years, culminating in) 2019 before all these things happened and the mall was reserved for that day. We were led to call it The Return and eight days before the event the justice was removed by death on the Feast of Trumpets.”

Shortly before The Return took place, we realized the date we picked was Shabbat T’shuvah, the Sabbath of Return. And it was during that event that Trump issued a proclamation for the “National Day of Prayer and Return.”

On that day, at about 5 p.m., with everyone ready to seal The Return, Rabbi Cahn proclaimed: “From here, as we seal The Return and the power of God, now Lord let the sound of your power go forward to the world in Jesus, Yeshua’s name. Go!”

And then, as the shofars were blasting on the National Mall, Trump was in the Rose Garden swearing Barrett in as a new Supreme Court justice, setting in motion the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

“The time the president opened his mouth to set the end of abortion was 5:04 p.m.,” Rabbi Cahn told MJAA. “The overturning was said in the same month, the same week, the same holy day, the same hour, the same minute, on the day appointed by God. Our God is real. Our God is true. Our God is faithful. The ways of the Almighty are awesome, and He has heard the prayers of His people and His right hand has moved mightily. He has humbled the mighty. He has lifted up the humble and the defenseless. He has made His wonders known throughout the Earth. Our God is God and King of all the Earth.”

The Lord honored our prayers that day. Had the event ran just a little late, if anyone had not spoken or praised God exactly for as long as they did, the timing would not have converged with Trump’s swearing in of Barrett.

“Don’t tell me God doesn’t answer prayers,” Rabbi Cahn said. “Don’t tell me that God cannot change the course of history. What does it mean? Will this be the beginning of revival, a return or will it be a catalyst for the further dividing of a nation under judgment? The only thing that can save America now is revival. We are the living embodiments of a prophetic revival. We especially have to pray for revival as never before. The forces of darkness in this land are powerful. An entire generation is brainwashed against God. And we know that this is far from ending abortion, but even if one life is saved, it’s all worth it.”

Prayer Requests to Turn America Back to Righteousness

As we begin to witness the fruits of The Return, we’d like to ask you to begin praying for several critical things to help turn America back to righteousness, all of which will require Supreme Court rulings.

Since America’s founding, Bible reading, prayer and the display of the Ten Commandments in schools has been a common practice, a foundational aspect of the education children received in a country based on Judeo-Christian principles as detailed in the Mayflower Compact and later in the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

These documents, especially the Mayflower Compact, are a key component of The Return repentance and revival movement.

In the next step after The Return as part of the five-step process (Repentance, Reconciliation, Restoration, Revival, Reformation) the ancient Israelites would follow at times of crisis, faith leaders gathered January 8 at the 10,000-seat Strawberry Festival Amphitheater in Plant City, Florida for The Renewal: Restoring America’s Founding Covenant. About 8.5 million people watched the event on television or via simulcast.

This day of prayer and worship was dedicated to the American renewal of the covenant the Pilgrims made with God four centuries ago in the Mayflower Compact. In this document, the Pilgrims dedicated America to God and the “advancements of the Christian faith.”

Throughout history, only two nations have been tied together by covenants with God. God made a covenant with Israel, but America made a covenant with God in the Mayflower Compact. America has broken the covenant made by our forefathers, and this has brought our once blessed nation under the judgments of God.

As many involved in The Return prepare for The Return Israel, we would like to ask you to pray for:

  • The return of prayer to schools.
  • The return of Bible reading to schools.
  • The overturning of same-sex marriage, and return of the legal definition of the institution of marriage as between one man and one woman.
  • The Ten Commandments to be displayed and taught in schools and returned to the public square, government buildings and courthouses nationwide.

To find out more about this, which is part of the Global Strategic Alliance’s Nehemiah Project, visit or read GSA’s brochure. {eoa}

Note: This is the second of a three-part article. For part one of this article, click here.

Rev. Kevin Jessip is the co-founder and president of The Return International, president of the Global Strategic Alliance and chairman of Save the Persecuted Christians. He is an adviser to national and global leaders within the business, political and faith communities. After years as an executive for one of the world’s largest publicly traded companies, Kevin was called into a deeper ministry, where he began as a youth evangelist over four decades ago, to become a dedicated leader for national and global repentance. Find out more at and

Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, bestselling co-author of The Military Guide to Armageddon, Trumpocalypse and The Babylon Code, and former executive editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media and reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News. His latest book, The Military Guide to Disarming Deception, was released August 9. He is the executive editor of The Return International and vice president of Battle Ready Ministries. Find out more at, and

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