Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How This Summit Wants to Usher in the Second Coming of Christ

Daniel Kolenda, left, preaches at the Asia congress for Empowered21.

The Holy Spirit moved in a powerful and unique way during the third consecutive day of the Empowered21 Asia Regional Congress. The outpouring came after 13,000 Spirit-empowered believers from throughout Asia witnessed the honoring of Lawrence Khong, senior pastor of Faith Community Baptist Church of Singapore, and Niko Njotorahardjo, senior pastor of Gereja Bethel Indonesia, both co-chairs of Empowered21 Asia, with the Excellence in Global Leadership award.

Khong and Njotorahardjo have spearheaded the Empowered21 movement in Asia, stewarding E21’s growth and expanding its influence since its inception. Together they have led the Empowered21 Asia Cabinet of 46 interdenominational and ministry leaders and have produced seven historic Empowered21 events in Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia.

Historic in nature, these events were marked by unity in the Spirit and significant moves of God.

“It was an honor to present the Empowered21 Excellence in Global Leadership Award to pastors Khong and Njotorahardjo,” said Dr. Billy Wilson, Oral Roberts University president and Empowered21 Global Co-chair. “The Asian cabinet has been one of the leaders in the Empowered21 movement, and a lot of that growth and impact can be attributed to these men and their sacrifice to the vision of seeing every person on earth have an authentic encounter with the Holy Spirit by the year 2033.”

The gathering at the Sentul International Convention Center in Jakarta is designed to equip believers and empower the next generation to pursue their destiny in God.

Scott Wilson, senior pastor at the Oaks in Dallas, Texas, and Co-chair of the Empowered21 USA cabinet, began the day by reminding the crowd: “To be a part of the third Pentecost, you don’t have to be talented or rich. Just wake up every day asking the Lord, ‘What would you like me to do? Where would you like me to go?’ Be faithful, and He will make you fruitful.”

Throughout the day, speaker after speaker brought life to the believers who came from over 45 nations. The largest group was 1200 from Vietnam.

“Our message is to preach the gospel to every ethnic group on the planet to usher in the second coming of Jesus Christ.” Dennis Balcomb, founder of Revival Chinese Ministries International in Hong Kong and Member of the Empowered21 Asia cabinet.

A strong voice from the Philippines, Jerome Ocampo, pastor of Jesus’ Flock Gateway Church in the Philippines and member of the Asia cabinet, focused on the fact that “our greatest challenge is not church growth, preaching nor teaching, but to wake up the sleeping giant of the next generation, the greatest generation.”

Wilson capped the day by bringing a catalytic message, empowering those in attendance for their new assignment. As if to seal and authenticate each message, the Spirit fell so heavily and thoroughly that much of the final hours were spent in praise and worship as thousands experienced breakthroughs. A mighty move of the Holy Spirit was experienced by all.

The Congress concludes tomorrow with the closing ceremony, where every member of the next generation will be anointed in prayer by leaders from the Empowered21 Global Council and the Empowered21 Asia Cabinet.

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