Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron

Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort recently led an ‘atheistic evolution’ revolution at U.S. universities.

Evangelists Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort teamed up recently at the University of California, Los Angeles, to do something out of the ordinary for most Christians. They passed out hundreds of copies of Charles Darwin’s book, On the Origin of Species. But along with his treatise on evolution they included a special 54-page introduction that presented the case for intelligent design.

In a video encouraging Christians to participate in the book giveaway, Cameron observed that one-by-one the nation’s God-given liberties are being stripped away: “Our kids can no longer pray in public, they can no longer open a Bible in school, and the Ten Commandments are no longer allowed to be displayed in public places.”

More than 1,200 people nationwide inspired by the men’s call to provide the truth to a “generation brainwashed by atheistic evolution” joined them in handing out 170,000 copies of the book at 100 of the nation’s top universities.

Engaging in this kind of “front-line” evangelism is imperative, Cameron says, because university professors are telling college students that God doesn’t exist and science has proved it—teachings that seriously undermine young people’s faith.

“It’s such a deception,” he says. “If you look into the real science of it, you’ll see that evolution is nothing more than an atheistic philosophy disguised as science, not supported by real science, popular opinion or even common sense.

“The movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed shows how bias has crept into the scientific community and not allowed intelligent design to even be discussed. We want to put confidence back into kids about the Bible and give them the other side of the debate.”

Ken Ham, founder and president of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum in Kentucky, says he helped promote the book because Cameron is challenging the collapse of the Christian worldview by taking a stand for the authority of Genesis.

“I admire him because he’s prepared to stand unashamedly on God’s Word and against evolution, which is a major force in creating doubt and unbelief in generations of kids,” Ham says. “Research has shown two-thirds of young people are leaving the church. It really comes down to doubts in regards to God’s Word.”

Ham says that while the church in America is floundering and people are not being “bold in their faith,” Cameron recognizes the need to be like the apostle Paul—unashamed of the gospel.

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