Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

5 Reasons to Care About Muslims

Muslim man praying during Ramadan

Reason No. 4: God’s Love

It might go without saying that most Christians don’t understand Islam, and that there is more than one kind of mistake believers can make in assessing the religion.

The issue of Islamic fundamentalism aside, we must remember that no people group is excluded from the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

In Heaven, a chosen people from among all races and backgrounds will gather at the throne of God, and innumerable multitudes will cry out to Jesus Christ: worthy are you of worship, because “by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9)!

Just like in Corinth (Acts 18), God has selected people from among the Muslims of the world who will hear the Gospel, believe, and be saved, in spite of all the odds against them. How incredible is the love of God for all peoples?

That same God commanded us to make disciples from among Muslim peoples—because of his love for them!

I once had a very unpleasant encounter with a person who claimed to be a “Christian” yet was seeking to stir up violent action against Muslims. Christ himself refused to call down ten legions of angels to rescue himself from the Romans and Jews crucifying him; why would his messengers take any other approach?

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