Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

4 Truths to Combat Atheism’s Lie


For atheists, ethics keep evolving; however, morality does not. Right is always right. But the trouble with atheism is there is no outside, verifiable right and wrong, since they deny God and, with Him, divine morality. They become their own gods to create an ethical system by which others must follow. There is great evil that comes from this system. For example, the Nazis gave orders calling for the “final solution.” This law gave officials legal authority to kill the people in the concentration camps. Now was this law evil? Was killing people in the camps evil?

Atheists cannot really logically answer in the affirmative, because they deny the God who makes a moral universe. But those of us who affirm God’s existence confess that morality exists first with God and then He makes it known to us through our conscience. Thus, the holocaust was evil.

The conscience connects us to God’s justice. We are the only creatures with a conscience. This inspires us to act in very noble ways, something beyond the scope of animals.

For example, we can choose to care for a disable person, simply because it is right. Although logically there is no reason, outside of morality, to protect and take care for disable people, we do it because of our conscience. This is only one example of our conscience leading us to nobility.

Our conscience is proof that God, along with giving us a God-consciousness, also gives us a moral compass by which we are accountable to Him to live our lives properly. We feel guilt when we do wrong. Even if the wrong is not illegal, we still feel guilt, because the conscience is accountable to the Creator, not to government or society.

So the existence of the conscience and its accountability to unchanging morality is another proof of God’s existence.

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