Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

15 Americans Travel to Colombia on Faith With No Money—But God

One of the biggest things I am seeing among believers across the nations right now is the tension of enduring in their faith. Amidst struggles, trials and hardships, are you finding it difficult to stand on your faith and prophetic words God has spoken over your life?

In the Book of Hebrews, chapter 11 (AMP) tells us that faith is an inherent trust and enduring confidence in the power, wisdom and goodness of God. Can I tell you that over the years, especially since starting my own evangelistic ministry, I have had to truly endure in my confidence in the Lord?

Back in 2019, God spoke to me and told me I would be taking a group of 15 Americans on a team trip to Colombia, Peru and Brazil. As the date approached, we were short $25,000 for the trip and to put on the crusade that we had been working so hard to prepare. In the natural, many of our ministry partners, family members and friends suggested that we completely postpone the trip. Something inside of me knew God had spoken that we would go, so I didn’t cancel the trip.

So 15 Americans boarded a plane headed for Colombia. Everyone’s well-being was in my hands. Upon our arrival, the crusade director asked for the money we didn’t have, and I promised it would arrive shortly. Long story short, days into the trip I got a ding on my phone that a check was coming in the mail for $25,000.

On top of that, our director said they had made a miscalculation, and we were $14,000 under budget. That has never happened in crusade history, as many evangelists know. My faith was so stirred for what God was doing, as was the faith of the group of Americans with me on the trip.

During a celebratory pool trip with our team, we raised an additional $6,000. We left Colombia with an additional $20,000 for the next crusade coming up the following month. Not only did we get the money we needed for that trip, but God came through and also provided for what was coming next.

This never would have happened if I’d postponed the trip and didn’t put my faith in what God had spoken to me. Friends, this is how faith works —15 people wouldn’t have had a life-changing mission trip, a 3-year-old girl wouldn’t have started walking, and pimps and prostitutes wouldn’t have given their lives to Jesus if I hadn’t stood strong in my faith.

What is God speaking to you? What is He encouraging you to have the faith for today?

Joshua 6:1-2 (NKJV) says, Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out, and none came in. And the LORD said to Joshua: ‘See! I have given Jericho into your hand, its king, and the mighty men of valor.'” In God’s mind, Jericho had already fallen, but in the natural the walls were sealed and nobody was going in or out. When you get the heart and the mind of Christ and you see with His eyes in a situation, you are impossible to stop. {eoa}

Evangelist Caleb Wampler is founder and CEO of Kingdom Encounters International. He has seen hundreds of thousands of people come to Jesus in countries that are hostile to the gospel, witnessed incredible miracles and regularly experiences God’s wonder. For more information on evangelist Caleb Wampler, check out his ministry website at Stay connected through Caleb’s social media on Facebook and YouTube.

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