Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Worship Leader Shares Emotional Story Behind Song ‘White as Snow’

Melissa Helser from Cageless Birds shared an emotional story surrounding the song “White as Snow.” She has a skin and bone disease, and her arthritis made it difficult to do anything, but she’s sung the song for years. What she didn’t realize was that the lyrics had power over her personal situation.

Some of the lyrics say, “It’s gonna rain joy/ Seep right through my skin/ Down into my bones.”

“It literally didn’t even dawn on me until we were recording it that I was singing over my body,” Helser says. ” … I just lost it. I was like, oh my gosh, for years I’ve been singing over myself, I’ve been singing healing over my own heart and didn’t even realize it. … The Lord [will] surprise us, and He’s like, ‘I’ve been interceding for you, through you, and you didn’t even know it.'”

Watch the entire video with a live performance of the song here.

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