Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why The Send’s 2020 Gathering Will Not Be Held in the United States

The Send will hold its 2020 gathering at Morumbi Stadium in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on February 8. The decision was arrived at after seeing the enthusiastic response by Brazilian attendees at the Orlando event earlier this year, according to leaders interviewed for a behind-the-scenes video.

“I heard worship songs in Portuguese,” said Andy Byrd from Youth With a Mission (YWAM). “And I thought, ‘My gosh, the Brazilians have come in force.’ … It was so evident that God is raising up Brazil as a catalytic spark in this hour of human history.”

Teofilo Hayashi, who leads Dunamis Movement in Brazil, remembers discussing with Lou Engle at the event that the Holy Spirit was doing something among the Brazilian worshippers.

“During the Brazil worship set, Lou was next to me, saying, ‘There’s something here—we need to pay attention to this,'” Hayashi says. “The mic comes to me. I go through my script. But then suddenly something starts coming upon me. It was the Spirit of the Lord. And just boils in me to the point where I stepped forward and I just let out this cry and I say, ‘It’s time for Brazil.’ And I remember just crying out, ‘You are a chosen nation! Brazil, let’s go! It’s your time.'”

Engle agrees.

“Brazil is poised to be one of the greatest if not the greatest sending nation in history to finish the task of reaching the unreached people groups,” he says. “Don’t just enjoy the fire. Send the fire. It’s time for Brazil to change and touch the nations with missions.”

Hayashi believes The Send’s event in Sao Paulo could be a “tipping point” for international awakening.

“The next Send event in Sao Paulo, Brazil, could be the tipping point for the first domino to come down as we see a revival culminating into Reformation not only in America, not only in Brazil, but the nations,” Hayashi says. “A generation of hundreds of thousands of young people being activated into their callings. It is time to see the continent that has been under such spiritual awakening to rise up to the next strata of spiritual reformation. Our generation is born for such a time as this.”

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