Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why the Church Cannot Survive Without the Older Generations

In 1 Kings 12:1-15, King Rehoboam sabotaged the nation of Israel when he rejected the advice of his elders and instead only listened to his young friends and advisors. Kevin Jessip recently said on The Jim Bakker Show that the American church needs to be careful not to fall into the same trap as Rehoboam.

In the video, Jessip praises the faith and wisdom of the older generation, saying, “I believe, Jim, that the older generation today especially in the church—they’re the ones that built the church. They’re the ones that paid for the pews and the hymnals. And today it seems if you’re over 30 years of age, you’re not acceptable on the platform. But these people are the people that actually built the church. They’re the prayer warriors. They’re the intercessors. … These are the people that have gone before us. They’ve lined the way. They’ve walked with God. And His testimony of faithfulness in their lives is necessary to be imparted to the next generation.”

Watch Jessip’s full explanation of the importance of wisdom and older generations in this video.

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