Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

What Happened When Kenneth Copeland Began Praying in the Spirit for Lyndon B. Johnson

Kenneth Copeland says his heart changed from bitterness to love when he started praying for former U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson. In a clip from the Jim Bakker Show, Copeland says he used to be “fed up” with Johnson, but God reminded him that he did not know Johnson’s heart nor his character. Instead, Copeland felt convicted to pray in the Spirit for him rather than gripe about him. As a result, Copeland felt both his love for Johnson and his love for God grow.

Copeland says the experience taught him an important lesson: “Faith works by love. No love, no faith. No love, no gifts of the Spirit. No love, no grace. For it is by faith, so that it might be by grace. So you just need to stay in love and just stay strong in Jesus and don’t let anything bother nor bug you.”

Watch the full clip above or at this link. {eoa}

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