Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

WATCH: Pastor Tom Hamon on Contending for Victory Over the Real Pandemic

Pastor Tom Hamon

Pastor Tom Hamon, filling in for Dutch Sheets on Sheets’ regular Give Him 15 prayer broadcast, shares a prophetic word about contending for victory over the real pandemic. He shares the story from Matthew 8 in which Jesus commanded His disciples to get in the boat and cross to the other side.

“If you remember, in this story, it says that in the middle of the journey, in the middle of the lake, that a furious storm arose,” Hamon says. “I’m sure the disciples could have wondered, Where in Jesus’ word to us did He ever speak about such a terrible storm?

“He never mentioned it,” Hamon says. “He just commanded that it was time to cross over.”

“I’ve called you to cross over,” Hamon says God is telling His ekklesia. “Now use your authority to conquer every demonic storm and subdue every territorial controlling spirit you encounter.”

Watch the entire video above or at this link to learn how today’s church must wake up and contend for victory.

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