Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Tony Evans: This Is the Key to Crossing Over Into the Supernatural

Pastor Tony Evans says the key to experiencing supernatural encounters with God is summed up in one word: faith. The opposite of that is unbelief, which has the potential to hinder you from every experiencing miracles and might even stop you from ridding yourself of demonic oppression.

“You can literally move from where you are in the natural into the supernatural, but you’ve got to cross the bridge,” Evans says. “The bridge that God has constructed for you to move from the natural to the supernatural is the bridge called faith. … Unbelief is so powerful that you can spend the rest of your life stuck where you are and never cross over to see the supernatural.

“You will say, ‘Addiction’—you’re going to speak to it, and it must back off. Why must it back off? Because of the life you confronted it with. You confronted it with living faith. … You don’t handle demons by taking pills; you handle demons by going deeper with God, because only God can handle errant angels. …

“God doesn’t do miracles just to show off; He doesn’t do the supernatural to flex His muscles. He does the supernatural so that His name will be known. Some issues are too big for you to handle by yourself; that’s why you need community. That’s why you need people around you to help you move stones.”

To watch the entire sermon for encouragement on moving past trials in life, click here.

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