Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Todd White: Many People Who Seek a Prophetic Word Don’t Actually Read the Bible

Pastor Todd White says he’s actually had to turn people down who come up to him and ask for a prophetic word. It’s because too often, he’s seen people seek after prophecies more than they read the Word of God to understand their identity in Him.

“I know so many people that speak in tongues and walk in power, but have no clue of who they are,” White says. “I’m not negating or downplaying the Holy Spirit, because He’s the major role of God on the planet, but unless we press into the reality of identity and understanding what righteousness means and what it means to be right with God, we will constantly be trying to find another word.

“… God wants us to be fathered by Him, but most people won’t seek the heart of the Lord through the Word to find out what He thinks about a situation.”

To watch the entire video, click here.

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