Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Tim Tebow References Hamilton Broadway Play to Emphasize Urgency of Great Commission

Former professional football quarterback Tim Tebow shared a heartfelt message at Churchome in Seattle about the urgent call God has placed on all of our lives to help people—and he used the popular Broadway play Hamilton (about Founding Father Alexander Hamilton) as an example.

“If people talk about Alexander Hamilton this way … he’s fighting to defend the U.S. Constitution; that’s good,” Tebow says in the video. “We’re fighting to snatch people out of hell—it’s different. It’s completely different. But would people talk about my life with the sense of urgency like they talk about Alexander Hamilton, the way he was writing to defend the U.S. Constitution? Would they talk about my choices because I cared so much about people? … Or would it just be [about me] trying to get by?”

He talked about his sharing the gospel in a suicide watch corner of a prison, where he met a guy who pressed his face up against the glass to ask Tebow, “Are you a Christian?” After Tebow said, “Yes, God loves you,” the man fell to the ground weeping. He told Tebow he was praying for God to reveal Himself, and realized God was revealing Himself through Tebow just then.

Watch the full video here.

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