Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

This Is How to Make the Most of Quarantine

Pastor Michael Todd says God is going to bring good things out of the COVID-19 pandemic, even miracles. But we have to be willing to surrender everything to Him first—that’s one of the best ways to utilize this time in quarantine. Pray and ask God what He wants you to let go in order to step into all He has for you.

“Anytime there’s a promotion, everything has to change with it,” Todd says. ” … This is the season of miracles. Things that you thought couldn’t happen are about to start happening in the middle of a pandemic, in the middle of a dry season. God says, ‘I’m the God that brings water out of rocks. I’m the God that does things and makes ways when there is no way.’ …

“I thought I was going to be producing music, and when God told me to ‘shut the studio down and get your Bible,’ this was my rich young ruler moment. All of [you] are going to have a moment like this where God says, ‘You can go with what you think is going to make you successful, or you can be devoted.’ Take your vote away and follow Me.”

To watch the entire sermon titled “Bandwagon Believer // Who’s The Minister Here?,” click here.

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