Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Terrorism Expert Brigitte Gabriel Issues Urgent Warning Ahead of Midterm Elections—Especially for Christians

Brigitte Gabriel

Terrorism expert Brigitte Gabriel says the upcoming midterm elections are critical for America’s survival.

“God looked upon America with grace and said, OK, I’ll give you one more chance to straighten up. One more chance!’ And, thank God we have somebody like President Trump in office who has the backbone and the courage to say what most people are afraid to say, including the majority of our Republicans in Congress right now.”

Gabriel, whose latest book, Rise, came out on 9/11, says believers especially must show up to vote their values.

“These midterm elections, especially the Christians, I’m talking to all you Christians watching right now, you need to show up, and you need to exercise your voice because God changes the world using you as instruments of change,” Gabriel says. “It’s not enough to pray, they have to go out and vote their principles and their values.”

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