Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Samuel Rodriguez Shares ‘Word From Heaven’ to Cast Off Spiritual Paralysis

Pastor Samuel Rodriguez says the story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man in John 5 is a prophetic picture for anyone dealing with spiritual paralysis right now. He says the man was not only physically paralyzed but spiritually paralyzed, because he was only viewing things in terms of his own power and ability.

“It’s all a matter of perspective,” Rodriguez says. “The man was paralyzed, and he was paralyzed for 38 years. Jesus looks at him and says, ‘Do you want to get well?’ All it required was a yes or no response. … His response is cognitively incoherent. He says, ‘I can’t.’ Jesus never asked him if he could. … The problem is not only was this man physically paralyzed. He was spiritually paralyzed, morally paralyzed. Every vestige of his life [and] his destiny was paralyzed. And then Jesus looks at him and does something powerful.”

Rodriguez says we can all learn something from Jesus’ healing of that man.

“I don’t care how paralyzed you may be right now,” Rodriguez says. “There is a word from heaven. Your children may be paralyzed. Your faith, your finances, your health, your anointing, your joy, your peace—there’s a word from heaven, and right now the word from heaven is this: Stand up in the name of Jesus!”

Watch the full clip from The Jim Bakker Show here.

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