Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Pastor: While We’re Waiting, God’s Working

Pastor Ben Prescott of Free Chapel church says it’s important to wear an attitude of gratitude while waiting for the coronavirus pandemic to pass. God is working to make things right.

“In lockdown, we’re waiting to see when this thing is going to lift, we’re waiting to see what’s going to happen with my job, maybe those of you who have been laid off, you’re waiting to see what’s going to happen with your finances,” Prescott says. ” … But I want you to be reminded today that even though it seems so uncertain for us, it’s not uncertain for God. While we’re waiting, God’s working. God’s doing something in this situation, this season. …

“There’s a lot to complain about, but I dare say, no matter how difficult that is for you right now, there’s probably also a lot to be grateful for.”

For more encouragement during this time, listen to the entire sermon titled “Three Ways to Wait.”

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