Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. Calls for Church to Be Generous During COVID-19 Outbreak

Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. read a verse from Isaiah 40:4 (NLT) that says, in part, “Straighten the curves.” He says this is a fitting topic given the coronavirus pandemic, because of which health officials are instructing us to “flatten the curve” of the number of people infected at once.

“Just because we’re practicing social distancing, doesn’t mean we’re practicing spiritual distancing,” Wilkerson says, referring to the reality that many churches are still teaching and holding worship via technology so that people can access their services from home. ” … Here’s the good news about our God while we practice social distancing: The worse it gets for us, the closer God gets to us. The Bible says He’s close to the brokenhearted. …

“This is not just a health crisis; this is an economic crisis, and many of us, even right now, we’re beginning to become afraid of where our supply will come in, where our resources will come in. As we get squeezed, generosity is not coming out; it’s greed that begins to come out. Let’s be proactive right now; as a church, we’re not going to stop being generous.”

To watch the entire sermon, click here.

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