Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Native American Evangelist Says Prophecies Are Coming True, Revival Is Breaking Out

Evangelist and Pastor Dr. Negiel Bigpond says he believes that Billy Graham’s 1975 prediction of Native Americans becoming a “spiritual superpower” to change the world is coming true. On The Jim Bakker Show, Bigpond referenced both Graham’s comments as well as an 1877 prophecy by Crazy Horse, leader of the Oglala Lakota Sioux from 1840-1877.

“He said, ‘The Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world,'” Bigpond says. “Now listen to this. This is 1877. ‘A sick world, a world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations, a world longing for light again.’ I believe that that’s where we’re at now.”

Bigpond says he has been preaching health, wealth and miracles on reservations across the country, and that he is working to prepare the nation for revival and healing.

“That’s what we’re seeing on the reservations,” Bigpond says. “That’s what we’re trying to bring out, is that healing power, that forgiveness, that unity, and also to bring forth the gifts so we can start seeing great revival. There’s great things happening on reservations. As dim as it looks, God still shows up.”

Watch the full clip here.

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