Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Jim and Lori Bakker: Franklin Graham Told Us His Father’s Death Unleashed All the Demons of Hell

Jim and Lori Bakker say that after the death of Billy Graham, his son Franklin Graham told them his death meant that all the demons of hell have been unleashed. The Bakkers made this claim on a recent episode of The Jim Bakker Show, during a segment about how Revelation 12 explains the current anti-preacher, anti-Israel sentiment gripping the world.

The Bakkers say that while they were at Billy Graham’s funeral, they went to Franklin Graham’s office with their son Ricky.

In the clip, Lori says, “He locked eyes with you, [Jim,] and you asked him, you said, ‘Franklin, what do you believe the passing of your daddy means?’ They call him Daddy, Franklin and his sisters and brother. And Franklin locked eyes with you, Jim—he didn’t look to me, he didn’t look to Ricky, he looked to you—and he said, ‘Jim, now is the time to stand. The passing of my father means all the demons of hell have been unleashed.'” (During the video, a slightly different quote by Graham is displayed, which says, “My father’s passing signals a change. The demons of hell are going to be unleashed.”)

Jim Bakker added, “[Franklin] said the devil is being cast into the world, and this is the time—Revelation 12. And this is what’s going on: good is evil, evil’s good.”

Watch the full clip here.

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