Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

How Fasting Can Energize You, Help You Hear Holy Spirit

Do you feel like you’re just going through the motions, or you’re in a rut? Pastor Levi Lusko says the best solution to that is the biblical practice of fasting. He says fasting not only humbles us before God, which He rewards—but paradoxically, it also energizes us. Most importantly, it helps us to tune in to the voice of Holy Spirit.

“There is a trick; there is a way that you can continually jolt yourself out of the lethargy that creeps in, just living the status quo,” Lusko says. “And that is from the discipline of fasting. … We all want more. Something inside of us is insatiable; there’s something deeper we want—we scream for more. We cry out for more. We long for more of God, and Scripture says by fasting and praying, we can tap into the spiritual power.

“Fasting, to put a fine point on it, is giving up what you want to tap into what you need. … To take an intentional approach to feeling hunger, to remind yourself that there’s more than one kind of hunger—it causes you to be focused. You start to hear the unseen voices of angels, priests, prophets, kings, shepherds and warriors saying, ‘Run this race. Don’t look just to the world. Listen to the voice of God.'”

To watch the entire sermon and gain insight into fasting, click here.

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