Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How America, Israel and Iran Fit Into the Future ‘Prophetic Puzzle’

Does Ezekiel 38 point to Israel, Iran and America playing a role in end-times prophecy? Greg Laurie and Don Stewart discuss recent geopolitical developments—including a rich speech by Benjamin Netanyahu—in this video posted Thursday by Laurie’s ministry.

During the discussion, Laurie said, “In some ways, America needs Israel more than Israel needs America. And I base that on the statement of God to Abraham when He said I’ll bless those that bless you and I’ll curse those that curse you. I believe one of the reasons God has blessed our country is because we have stood by the Jewish people and their homeland, the nation of Israel. … But now we find ourselves in this precarious and unusual position of not standing by her as closely as we have in the past, and we hope that is rectified.”

Watch the video to hear more about the prophetic role these three nations may play.

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