Francis Chan: Why Time Alone With God Changed My Life

Author and speaker Francis Chan says he went on a life-changing trip out into the woods for four days during which he spent his time solely with Jesus and didn’t talk to or see any people. He just read the Word and spoke to Jesus. He’s now encouraging us to not long to go back to our normal lives.

“We can all look at ourselves and think about all the things we can’t do well, and God says, ‘No, I put you here at this time,'” Chan says. “Sometimes we have this disconnect when we read the Bible. We go, ‘Oh, it’s the story of Esther, so awesome, where she goes, “I was made for such a time as this.”‘ But then we don’t believe it about ourselves. …

“Before you even have the opportunity to make things normal again, I challenge you to truly get into the presence of Almighty God. Don’t just close your eyes and pray some token prayer. I mean really come into the presence of God and say to Him, ‘God, I believe You made me for this time, and my life has looked way too ordinary, way too much like people who don’t have Your Holy Spirit in them, and that has to change. … Speak to me now, God. … I am not going back to a normal life.'”

To watch the entire sermon titled “Before I Created You I Knew You,” click here.

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