Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

End-Times Expert Prophesied Pope Francis Would Have to Step Down

With Vatican officials calling for Pope Francis to step down as the Catholic sex abuse scandal continues to send shock waves around the world, end-times expert Tom Horn’s 2017 prophecy seems eerily accurate.

“I believe that Pope Francis was not canonically elected,” Horn told Jim Bakker Show. “I believe some hanky-panky went on in the Conclave [and] I think that even has something to do with why he picked Francis of Assisi as his namesake [who] prophesied about the final Pope and he said he will not be canonically elected. Now that means that he’s a placeholder for reasons that we can’t quite figure out, but I believe he’s going to either be removed from office or he’s going to step down like Benedict did soon, and the guy that comes up to take his place is actually going to be the real Pope number 112 by election.”

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