Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

End-Times Expert: God Could Wipe Out Temple Mount With Earthquake, Rockets in Order to Build Third Temple

Author and SkyWatchTV CEO Tom Horn says that God could send an earthquake or misguided rockets to destroy the Dome of the Rock, in order to clear a way to build the third Temple. Horn made these comments on The Jim Bakker Show. Bakker asked Horn, given end-time prophecies, how a third temple could be built with the Dome of the Rock already existing in that space. At first, Horn suggests that Trump could arrange a peace deal that includes turning over control of the Temple Mount to moderates, who might allow Jews to join Muslims in praying at the Temple Mount. But then he theorizes that God could also make this “happen much quicker.”

“The Temple Mount sits on top of a major earthquake fault,” Horn says. “And we know that according to prophecy, you know, catastrophic earthquakes are a part of the end times. Literally the Temple Mount could be destroyed. The finger of God could say, ‘It’s time. Let the Messianic era begin, right, that the Jews are looking for.’ The earth could shake. There’s prophecy in the Scripture that talks about that. … So there’s ways in which it could happen, and then you would have international support for rebuilding the Temple Mount. And then in that situation, you know, while we’re rebuilding the Temple Mount, fixing the Dome of the Rock or whatever, let’s also build a third temple on that mountain.

“Another way, it could just be a big ‘oops.’ You know? War breaks out in the Middle East and, uh-oh, a bunch of a rockets were just misguided or something. Who knows, right? And it takes out the Dome. It could happen.”

Watch Horn’s full remarks—as well as reactions from the rest of the panel—by viewing the embedded video.

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