Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Beth Moore: Don’t Let Quarantine Disconnect You From the Local Church

Just because we’re quarantined doesn’t mean we have to be disconnected from the local church, says author and speaker Beth Moore. Church services are available online, and many groups of believers still get together via applications like Zoom. It’s also crucial not to let past harm churches have done keep us out of church forever, Moore says.

“You may have had some kind of tremendous hurt come to you, a very deep wrong done to you, that has made you push away from the local church or from a local gathering of believers,” Moore says. “That’s so understandable, and I want you to know something: Christ Jesus took that personally. You can be sure of that to your bones. But I think that there’s nothing that God works through by the power of His Spirit more so than He does through the local church. …

“As the people of Christ, I truly believe we are the most whole, we’ll be the most helped and we’ll be the most help when we are most connected to one another through a healthy, local church. … Get on an email list, whatever it may be; see how [your local churches] are getting together.”

To watch the entire sermon titled “If God Is for Us,” click here.

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