Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Author: When God Revealed Himself to Me, I Quit Being Gay

Author Becket Cook, who would frequent gay bars in high school, had his first boyfriend after graduating from college. His entire family is Christian, but he says his parents responded to him lovingly and graciously when they found out he identified as gay. It wasn’t until an after-party he went to for Paris Fashion Week that he felt an overwhelming wave of emptiness.

After going to a coffee shop and seeing people with Bibles open, he decided to ask them what they believed. They invited him to their church, and it was there that he says God revealed Himself to him. He says it was like a “road to Damascus” moment, referencing Paul’s wake-up call in Acts 9.

“In that moment, I knew homosexuality was wrong; I knew it was a sin; I knew it was no longer who I was,” Cook says. “It wasn’t my identity. I knew it was my old self, and I knew that dating guys was not a part of my future, but I didn’t care at all. I was like, ‘This guy Jesus is way better than those guys. I’m going to go with Him.'”

For more of Cook’s story, click here for the entire interview.

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