Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 Practical Ways to Guard Your Heart Against the Enemy

In what he calls a practical and pastoral message, Jesus Culture Sacramento Pastor Banning Liebscher draws from Old and New Testaments to demonstrate how believers sometimes believe lies, and three things they can do to guard their hearts from the adversary’s deceit.

With 1 Kings 18 as his text, Liebscher says Elijah the prophet believed three lies immediately after God’s monumental mountaintop victories over the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. Like Elijah, Liebscher says, believers are prone to think the Lord has abandoned them, their situations are hopeless and they’re all alone in battle.

“When we get worn out, we drop our guard and, when we drop our guard, the enemy comes in and speaks lies,” Liebscher says. Based on Proverbs 4:23, Liebscher says the antidote to lies that result from feeling overwhelmed, scared and hurt is guarding the heart.

There are three practical things believers can do to guard their hearts based on God’s words to Elijah. Rest, God’s presence and community are weapons in the battle against the devil’s lies, Liebscher says.

“Do not underestimate the power of a nap and a meal. The Lord fed Elijah twice and let him sleep,” he says.

Like Navy Seals who are effective near water, believers are victorious over hopelessness, discouragement, bondage and lies when they dive into God’s presence.

The third thing weary warriors need is community. “Who you show up with matters. Elijah was with a servant but he tells God how alone he is. When we believe that lie, we stop hanging out with people.

“One of the best things you can do when you’re down is get on the phone and make a call,” Liebscher says.

Watch here Liebscher’s practical, pastoral word delivered to the congregation at Rez.Church in Loveland, Colo. at the 53:34 mark.

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