Top of the Week: 3 Sure Signs of the Coming Antichrist

Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

3 Sure Signs of the Coming Antichrist   

The Bible prophesies about the coming of the Antichrist, a lawless figure who will bring chaos and deception to the world.

In this video, Jack Hibbs, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino Hills, California, says that, as believers, we can identify three significant signs that signal the imminent arrival of this demonic and deceptive individual.

“People will swoon over his demonic genius,” Hibbs says.

More False Prophets Exposed! Mario Murillo Calls Ministry Figures to Repentance

Recently I interviewed Mario Murillo in what may be one of the most important Strang Report videos I’ve ever done. We dove into the topic of error in the body of Christ and the responsibility leaders have to speak out against it. As believers, we understand that prophets don’t always get it right, and it is our duty to test all things. We specifically addressed the recent incidents of false prophetic voices negatively impacting the church, including Kat Kerr, Robin Bullock and Julie Green.


Mario did a fantastic job biblically backing the reason we need to be so vigilant of false prophets so Christ’s flock can be protected.

“Jesus said in Matthew 7:15: ‘Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but are inwardly ravenous wolves,’ and they can be identified,” Murillo says. “The second reason that I’m speaking out is not just to protect the sheep, but I’m a soul winner. I’m doing this as a heartbroken evangelist. I want to win the lost…because you are affecting the sheep and lost souls are at stake.”

Revival Sweeps Hammond, Louisiana, Leaving Lives Transformed

A four-day revival event held last fall at the Old Zion Baptist Church has turned into a remarkable journey of faith that shows no signs of slowing down.

What began as a modest gathering with just 125 attendees has now transformed into a thriving spiritual movement, taking place under a massive blue tent.

The revival, which commenced on Oct. 16, 2022, quickly gained momentum. On the inaugural night, 34 individuals accepted Christ into their hearts. By the fourth night, the church’s gymnasium was bursting at the seams as an enthusiastic congregation gathered to seek spiritual nourishment.

God Will Fulfill His Promises, but You Must Learn to Wait   

God calls each of us to join Him in His work, but accomplishing anything spiritual—such as building a church, engaging in missions work or influencing secular culture for Christ—is impossible in human terms. We can’t accomplish anything for God without faith.

God gives us a promise—that’s the easy part. But faith is also warfare. The devil hurls doubts and obstacles in our direction. There are battles and, sometimes, casualties. And there are always, always delays. And it is in those painful times of waiting when we are most tempted to quit.

The Holy Spirit Gave Me a Prophetic Prayer for Tucker Carlson

Recently I had the honor of being interviewed by Amanda Grace on her popular podcast. I believe she is a prophetic voice to our generation. We talked about many things including my new book “Spirit-led Living in an Upside-Down World.” She told me she had a dream about Tucker Carlson, then on Fox News, adding that there is “a bigger assignment against him from the enemy.” She said Christians must be united to pray for him right now because “something big was about to happen.”

Just then I felt a prompting from the Holy Spirit to pray for Carlson. Little did I know that this was a prophetic moment as Carlson would soon be let go by Fox News a few days later.

I suggested we stop and pray for Carlson right then on her livestream. Over the years I’ve found that it is only by a life truly submitted and led by the Holy Spirit that one can survive in perilous times.

So, I started to pray.


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