Morning Rundown: More False Prophets Exposed! Mario Murillo Calls Ministry Figures to Repentance

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More False Prophets Exposed! Mario Murillo Calls Ministry Figures to Repentance

Recently I interviewed Mario Murillo in what may be one of the most important Strang Report videos I’ve ever done. We dove into the topic of error in the body of Christ and the responsibility leaders have to speak out against it. As believers, we understand that prophets don’t always get it right, and it is our duty to test all things. We specifically addressed the recent incidents of false prophetic voices negatively impacting the church, including Kat Kerr, Robin Bullock and Julie Green.

Mario did a fantastic job biblically backing the reason we need to be so vigilant of false prophets so Christ’s flock can be protected.

“Jesus said in Matthew 7:15: ‘Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but are inwardly ravenous wolves,’ and they can be identified,” Murillo says. “The second reason that I’m speaking out is not just to protect the sheep, but I’m a soul winner. I’m doing this as a heartbroken evangelist. I want to win the lost…because you are affecting the sheep and lost souls are at stake.”

7 Things to Consider Before Attending a Gay Wedding

Attending a gay wedding can pose a significant dilemma for Bible-believing Christians.

On the one hand, there is the desire to show love and friendship towards the individuals involved. On the other hand, there is the conviction that attending the wedding might be seen as endorsing a union that the Bible considers immoral and against its teachings.

For Christians, the invitation to a gay wedding raises conflicting emotions. While there is a desire to express love and maintain friendships, but there is also a concern about participating in an event that contradicts biblical principles.

Judgment and Rapture Coming Soon, Daughter of Billy Graham Tells The Rosenberg Report

As evil is spreading around the globe—even amid the prophetic rebirth of Israel—could the Rapture of the church happen in the next few years?

Anne Graham Lotz, an author and an internationally-renowned Bible teacher, is strongly convinced that she is part of the generation that will see the Rapture take place with her own eyes.

In a conversation with Joel Rosenberg, host of The Rosenberg Report on TBN and Editor-in-Chief of All Israel News, Graham Lotz confessed that “it wasn’t until maybe 10 or 12 years ago that the Lord set me free to start speaking about it.”

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