Morning Rundown: Archeologist Uses Clues From Bible to Discover Famous City Destroyed by Fire

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Archeologist Uses Clues From Bible to Discover Famous City Destroyed by Fire

A famed archeologist believes he has found the biblical city of Sodom in modern-day Jordan and says there is evidence that proves the city was wiped out by fire.

Steven Collins, Dean of the College of Archaeology at Trinity Southwest University, told Joel. C Rosenberg in a new episode of the Rosenberg Report how he and his team uncovered the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in Jordan.

He says he used the Scriptures as clues to find the location.

5 Biblical Warnings Against Practicing Astrology  

The ancient practice of astrology presents several dangers of which believers should be cautious.

With a resurgence in divination and occultic practices, Christians must be on guard against such things or else they open a spiritual door that allows evil spirits into their lives.

Here are five biblical warnings against the practice of astrology:

Why Did God Make Hell?

When God made the earth and the entire universe, He had not yet prepared hell. Hell was prepared or “made ready” for Satan after he had sinned and was cast out of heaven.

Hell was not “created” it was “prepared” as Matthew 25:41 states. In the six days of creation, hell didn’t exist when all of creation was completed. God said it was “very good” (Gen. 1:31). The reason hell is so terrible is because God’s attributes and His goodness are absent. James 1:17 states, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.”

There is no such thing as good apart from God. You get to enjoy God’s goodness here on the Earth, even if you don’t acknowledge Him. Psalms 33:5 says, “the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.” If you deny Him, you don’t get to enjoy His goodness after this life. You will go to a place apart from Him because He will not dwell with sin.


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