Morning Rundown: 3 Sure Signs of the Coming Antichrist

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on

3 Sure Signs of the Coming Antichrist

The Bible prophesies about the coming of the Antichrist, a lawless figure who will bring chaos and deception to the world.

In this video, Jack Hibbs, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino Hills, California, says that, as believers, we can identify three significant signs that signal the imminent arrival of demonic and deceptive individual.

“People will swoon over his demonic genius,” Hibbs says.

7 Prophetic Truths for Spiritual Readiness

Core Group leader Jenny Weaver unleashed a powerful and urgent prophetic word for her fellow believers.

When God sounds the alarm and awakens believers to the urgency in the spiritual realm, it signifies a divine invitation to participate in His kingdom work.

By responding obediently, believers can experience a deeper intimacy with God, a heightened sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and a greater capacity to discern and act upon His leading. Additionally, obeying God’s urgency allows believers to be strategically positioned to impact the world around them, share the gospel and bring about transformative change in their communities. It is through obedience to God’s urgency that Spirit-filled Christians can fulfill their calling, advance God’s kingdom and bear fruit that glorifies Him.

7 Prophetic Insights Into the End Times With Bishop Alan DiDio


As humans navigate the complexities of the world today, it is natural to ponder the significance of these times in light of biblical prophecy. The coming of the end times has captivated the minds and hearts of believers for centuries.

While there are varying interpretations and viewpoints on this subject, it is essential to delve into the Scriptures to gain insights and seek a deeper understanding of what the Bible reveals about this remarkable period.

By examining the signs, events and teachings found in the Scriptures, Bishop Alan DiDio hopes to inspire reflection, discussion and ultimately a renewed sense of urgency and faith in the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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